
All cases attended and reported upon by the Child Law Project remain on our website. They are published below in reverse chronological order, with the most recent first.












Case Reports 2023 Volume 2


Care Applications – Child Abuse and Neglect

Supervision Order

1 Mother withdraws application to appeal supervision order granted following school referral

Interim Care Orders

Initial Interim Care Order

2 Case adjourned while child referred to CAMHS, special care approved
3 Judge grants interim care order where mother not informed of application; mother under psychiatric treatment, father informed
4 Interim care order for young child granted, mother’s consent to assessment of need dispensed with
5 Short interim care order granted for toddler who entered the State in suspicious circumstances
6 Interim care order for two children granted under Brussels IIb, children arrived in Ireland with adults who were detained

Extensions of Interim Care Orders

7 Dublin District Court refuses to fully extend interim care order for a young boy without allocated social worker
8 Interim care orders extended for five children where parents’ relationship “toxic”
9 Interim care order extended for infant whose mother homeless and had mental health difficulties
10 Interim care order extended for infant taken into care at birth, supervision order refused
11 Interim care orders extended for two children where sexual abuse alleged
12 Interim care orders extended for four children, father in prison
13 Interim care order extended where teenage girl refuses contact with mother; sexual abuse alleged
14 Interim care orders extended for two children where third child had recently gone home to mother
15 Consent to extension of interim care order, full care order to be contested
16 Interim care order extended; unsupervised access directed; reunification planned
17 Interim care orders extended for three children as fourth reunited with father
18 Importance of parents knowing precisely what expected of them in a reunification plan stressed by court
19 Mother consents to extension of interim care orders for four children, father in prison
20 Interim care order extended for child with disability

Care Orders

21 Dublin District Court refused Care Order and extended interim care order to allow time to identify child’s father, adoption sought
22 Parents consent to two-year care order for young child while they work on addictions
23 One year care order with consent granted for infant whose mother had recently left care
24 Full care orders for two children with significant special needs
25 Care Order till 18 for young child where the father’s whereabouts unknown, mother uncontactable
26 Dublin District Court grants full care order to 18 years of age for very young baby abandoned by mother

Proceedings concerning Children in Care

Appropriate Placements

27 New residential placement found for a troubled teenage nearing 18 following judicial direction that the CFA’s CEO explain why agency unable to meet obligations
28 CFA seeks change of placement for non-verbal child where abuse alleged
29 Judge refuses CFA application to remove a teenager from foster placement; directs CFA and foster carers to engage in mediation immediately
30 Appropriate placements sought for two separate teenagers
31 Teenager returns to foster family following section 47 application by foster parents and GAL; thanks court for intervention
Review & Directions
32 Dublin District Court directs the CFA to prepare a detailed care plan for a vulnerable teenager who had had large number of emergency placements
33 Following intervention by court home tuition provided for teenager who had had no secondary education
34 Application to refer CFA’s “Signs of Safety” policy to Ombudsman for Children adjourned pending internal review
35 Judge decides Irish habitual residence of baby born to parents from European country no longer living in Ireland
36 GAL reappointed for child in care for 10 years; father unaware of parentage until care order made
37 Redacted psychologist’s report on two preschool children released to foster carers

Enhanced rights for foster carers

38 Foster parents granted enhanced rights with birth parents’ consent


39 Interim care order extended for one week while CFA sources furniture and school uniforms prior to children going home following placement breakdown


40 Aftercare review of girl with special needs expects application under new capacity Act

Court Procedures

41 Judge seeks improvements to social work reports presented to court
42 Court makes Practice Direction to ensure CFA sends reports to lawyers in time

Interagency Co-operation

43 High Court rules that detention of a vulnerable girl with a disability in hospital emergency department for almost 60 days was unlawful

Mental Health Act

44 Teenager detained under provisions of Mental Health Act; GAL criticises lack of assessment



45 Applications to detain former Wards of Court can be made under inherent jurisdiction of High Court, following commencement of Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act
46 High Court asks CFA to consider its obligations to young people leaving care who lack capacity
47 Girl in wardship with “severe and enduring mental illness” detained in specialist unit abroad as no suitable place in Ireland
48 Ward of court twice in UK for specialised treatment not available in Ireland; judge expressed wish to see similar service in Ireland
49 Young deaf man with mental health issues in UK unit for four years
50 Order extended further detaining youth in UK specialist unit since 2020
51 Orders continued by High Court for child with severe ASD as wardship considered
52 Child with disabilities leaving foster care becomes ward of court
53 Wardship sought for suspected child victim of trafficking, orders granted prohibiting contact from family members
54 Transgender child ward of court soon to turn 18 to remain in care in community

Case Reports 2023 Volume 1


Letter from District Court Judge

1 Introduction
Letter from District Court Judge Dermot Simms of 17 May 2023

Care Applications – Child Abuse and Neglect

Emergency Care Order

2 ECO granted by Dublin District Court for four children

Supervision Order

3 Judge warns mother that breaching a supervision order is a criminal offence

Interim Care Orders

Initial Interim Care Order

4 Interim care order application for three week old baby withdrawn following agreement with mother
5 ICO granted for baby due to ongoing substance abuse by his mother
6 Interim care order for new born baby made on consent of vulnerable mother
7 Interim Care orders for six children where habitual residence being contested
8 Interim care order granted following disengagement by the mother from voluntary arrangement
9 Interim Care Order granted for two young children who were already the subject of a Supervision Order

Extensions of Interim Care Orders

10 Interim care order extended for a teenage girl in an inappropriate relationship
11 Interim care orders for two girls extended, application to move placement refused
12 Interim care order extended for teenage boy who was joyriding, interim care order also for sister
13 Interim care order for baby extended as parental viability assessment prepared for parents
14 Extension of an interim care order for teenage girl in residential care
15 Interim Care order extended while child assessed for sex abuse
16 Interim care orders for four children extended, reunification at forefront of professionals’ minds.
17 Interim care order extended for two girls in provincial town
18 Social workers seek international assistance to contact parents of infant in care and extended order
19 Separate parenting assessments sought as interim care order extended for infant
20 Interim care order extended as physical abuse revealed
21 Interim care order extended amid questions on paternity
22 Interim care order extended for four children currently in care following breakdown of voluntary care arrangement
23 Interim care order extended for four children, concern about drug use of fifth while in care
24 Interim care order for infant extended where reunification under consideration
25 Interim Care Order extended for boy where parental capacity assessment awaited
26 Interim care order extended for traumatised non-national teenager girl with complex needs
27 Interim care order extended for child with significant health needs
28 Interim care order extended for girl in third level education, pending full care order and aftercare plan
29 Interim care order for boy soon to be 18 extended amid concerns about drug use and suicide threats

 Care Orders

30 Care order for boy living with mother in care with relatives
31 Care orders for two years consented to by parents who commended for engagement
32 Care orders for four children made with agreement of parents
33 Dublin District Court judge grants a care order for young boy with the consent of his mother
34 Uncontested care order for young child where siblings also in care
35 Care orders for children where separation proceedings also ongoing amid conflict between parents
36 Care orders for teenagers who had experienced neglect, emotional abuse and exposure to violence
37 Care order in long-running case of girl with eating disorder extended for a further period of six months
38 Care orders for four children who witnessed serious violence
39 Dublin District Court grants a care order until 18 for young girl whose mother had been in care

 Separated Children

40 Judge appoints solicitor to unaccompanied minor
41 ICO extension for two boys seeking asylum while professionals consider whether they should be returned to Middle East
42 Interim care order extended in respect of an unaccompanied non-national youth, racial abuse alleged
43 District Court judge refuses to direct the Child and Family Agency to prepare an aftercare plan for an unaccompanied minor from Ukraine, on basis that the child was not in care

Proceedings concerning Children in Care

Appropriate Placements

44 GAL permitted by court to bring complaint to Ombudsman for Children about abrupt change in placement for young boy
45 Boy in emergency placement following breakdown of foster placement with relative
46 Bespoke placement sought for teenage girl abruptly evicted from placement
47 Judge directs CFA to immediately identify appropriate, long-term and regulated placement for three siblings
48 Case re-entered where teenager’s placement broke down; girl had 13 previous placements

Review & Directions

49 Judge orders report on failings in case, including failure to allocate a social worker; report to be sent to HIQA
50 Judge heavily criticises CFA during review of four children in care
51 Parents seek supports from HSE for child with autism in voluntary care
52 Judge concerned about denial of legal aid due to exceeding the threshold as interim care orders extended
53 Further review listed for complex case involving seven children in care; three eldest children to meet judge
54 Judge seeks progress on support for grandparent foster carers


55 Costs awarded where legal aid had not been authorised, exceptional circumstances cited


56 One child reunited with parents, work ongoing for reunification with three others


57 Judge directs urgent appointment of aftercare worker for child due to leave care system
58 Aftercare plan for a 17 year old with autism and a moderate intellectual disability who set to inherit grandfather’s estate
59 Aftercare plan approved for teenage girl
60 Aftercare plan for girl with history of self-harm and mental health issues

Domestic Violence Act

61 Judge directs service of a protection order on a father where wife too afraid to make the application

Mental Health Act

62 Section 25 of Mental Health Act order admitting boy with OCD to CAMHS in-patient unit
63 Girl suffering from anorexia nervosa admitted to hospital under Mental Health Act


Introduction to Wardship

64 Package of “elaborate” supports agreed for young Ward of Court amid concerns he may not take prescribed medication; order made under Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act
65 Lack of education raised during wardship application for boy in voluntary care with complex needs
66 Orders extended for young man with autism and eating disorder while adult wardship application being prepared
67 Wardship Young woman admitted to wardship in 2020 released from wardship in early 2023

Case Reports 2022 Volume 2


Care Applications – Child Abuse and Neglect

Emergency Care Orders

1 Emergency care order for two children where non-accidental injury suspected, interim care order refused earlier

Supervision Orders

2 Supervision order with conditions made for two primary school children
3 Supervision order with directions for child with special needs who had never attended school
4 Supervision order extended to complete child protection assessment

Interim Care Orders

5 Interim care order for infant where mother suffering from drug addiction
6 Extension of interim care order for boy approved for special care, but no bed available
7 Interim care order extended for girl in single occupancy residential placement
8 Interim care order for young teenager extended
9 Extension for three months of interim care order for a boy in foster care
10 Extension of interim care order for boy awaiting introduction to half siblings
11 Interim care order extended for a teenager due soon to become a father
12 Interim care order extended for 10 weeks where parenting capacity assessment awaited
13 Interim care order extended for infant amid concerns he was left alone
14 Interim care order extended for transitioning teenager
15 Interim care order for a teenage boy extended
16 Interim care order extended among mental health concerns for mother

Care Orders

17 Child suffering from anorexia nervosa living at home under care order; judge critical of CFA’s lack of social workers and foster parents
18 One year Care order for a preschool age child extended on consent for six months
19 Child’s father travels from USA to attend proceedings for child he did not know was in care
20 Full care order for teen girl with a history of trauma who feared becoming homeless at 18 years
21 Care order for three children amid allegations of neglect where parents not engaging in proceedings
22 Full care order for boy whose parents separated, father he lived with later died
23 Care orders for teenage boys already in voluntary care whose parents died
24 Full care order granted for young boy who had moved placement following allegations against child of foster parents
25 Care orders for two children in voluntary care for 10 years
26 Care order granted for children whose mother had been in care
27 Full care order for three children, two in care since infancy

Separated Children

28 Interim care order for resettled refugee boy who saw mother killed
29 Care order for unaccompanied minor
30 Care order for boy who arrived alone in Ireland in container
31 Care order for girl who left African country to avoid marriage with older man

Proceedings concerning Children in Care

32 CFA seeks interim barring order to protect children already under care order
33 Teenage boy with protracted history admitted to special care
34 Case re-entered due to breakdown of foster care placement
35 Review adjourned where girl experienced multiple placement breakdowns
36 Mother’s application to have child moved to new placement adjourned
37 Shared care arrangement hoped for in case of African girl with special needs
38 Work ongoing to agree terms of reference for parental capacity assessment of parents of very sick child with extensive care needs
39 Access application to visit ill mother denied because of lack of evidence on mother’s health
40 Judge highly critical of sudden termination of vulnerable youth’s placement by a private placement provider
41 Judge criticises lack of continuity and professionalism following changeover of child’s social worker
42 Media alert sought for two sisters who absconded from their respective private residential units
43 Judge directs meeting to decide funding of high security fence in foster home of very vulnerable young child
44 Judge praises the good work being done to improve the quality of access visits for a young child with special needs
45 Judge directs improved structured access between siblings in care and with their parents
46 In camera rule lifted; application for early hearing date refused
47 Review of care order where therapeutic interventions under way
48 Child care review with ultimate aim of family reunification


49 Further steps towards reunification of family of five with mother; social worker revises report


50 Approval of aftercare plan for a young girl in supported care unit

Special Care

51 Overview of Special Care List: Judge stresses need for legislative reform in a number of areas


52 Wardship sought for suspected child victim of trafficking
53 Wardship orders continued for teenage boy with eating disorder
54 Teenage Ward discharged from hospital into special care following lengthy dispute about mental health needs
55 Wardship orders renewed for young woman in special care for three years
56 Former foster care is carer and Committee for young woman in wardship
57 Date set for wardship hearing for young care leaver with intellectual disability
58 Wardship sought for care-leaver with multiple difficulties where CFA and HSE discussing who responsible for her care
59 Young man in residential care taken into wardship as turns 18
60 Non-verbal young person admitted into wardship
61 Young Ward of Court transferred from care to adult HSE placement
62 Wardship reviewed for young man in secure hospital outside jurisdiction

Case Reports 2022 Volume 1


Care Applications – Child Abuse and Neglect

  1 Interim care orders for four children, young teenager placed in hotel
  2 Interim care order extended for two young children
  3 Care order granted for children who alleged physical abuse
  4 Care order for boy following five attempts at reunification
  5 Interim care order granted following incident, replacing supervision order
  6 Two-year care orders for two children amid concerns about abuse and domestic violence
  7 Interim care order extended for brothers where judge puzzled by parents’ approach
  8 Supervision order adjourned as father fails to secure legal representation, interim care order extended for sibling
  9 Interim care order extended where mother suffers from mental illness
10 Interim care order extended, access to mother refused
11 Interim care order extended while mother’s mental health assessed
12 Interim care order extended where mother suffering from mental health issues
13 Interim care order granted where mother has mental health issues
14 Care order to age 18 granted where mother suffering addiction and mental health difficulties
15 Care order review for young child amid sex abuse concerns
16 Interim care order extended while inappropriate behaviour of father examined
17 Interim care order for teenage mother extended amid concerns about violent boyfriend
18 Interim care order for newborn where mother’s mental health deteriorates
19 Hearing begins of interim care order application for three children of teenage parents
20 Interim care order granted for a newborn, judge tells young mother she can be reunited with child
21 Interim care order for newborn infant whose mother suffering from mental illness
22 Interim care order extended for infant where doubt about mother’s capacity to consent
23 Interim care orders further extended for three Traveller children
24 Care orders for three Traveller children amid alcohol and drug concerns

Care Applications – Child’s Emotional, Behavioural and Mental Health Issues

25 Interim care order for boy whose father cannot deal with behaviour
26 Full care order until 18 for teenager facing sentencing for criminal charges
27 Teenager detained under Mental Health Act following serious psychotic episode
28 Detention of girl suffering from anorexia nervosa, father not consenting
29 Third emergency care order granted for young boy who was self-harming
30 Bespoke residential placement directed for a child with serious mental health issues
31 Interim care order for transgender teenager

Separated Children

32 Emergency care order for suspected child victim of trafficking from Ukraine
33 Interim care order for unaccompanied minor forced to join militia
34 Interim care order for unaccompanied boy who was separated from brother on journey
35 Interim care order extended for unaccompanied minor escaping forced marriage
36 Interim care order for unaccompanied minor avoiding marriage
37 Full care order for unaccompanied minor fleeing war
38 Interim care order extended for four African children alone in Ireland
39 Interim care order for unaccompanied minor whose parents already in Ireland
40 Care order for unaccompanied minor who had been granted refugee status
41 Care order granted for unaccompanied minor, parents’ whereabouts unknown

Proceedings concerning Children in Care

42 Young boy in residential unit for two years awaiting foster placement
43 Review of child in care who had seven foster placements in two and a half years
44 Boy with complex needs placed in a holiday home
45 Interim care order for two months, longer order sought for assessments
46 Interim care order extended pending decision on special care
47 Positive reports on six children in care during review
48 Interim care order extended as witness summons issued to Garda investigating allegations against foster brother
49 Interim care order extended for girl discharged from special care

Extended rights to foster carers

50 Extended rights granted to foster parents


51 Progress towards reunification of five children with mother


52 Judge makes referral to aftercare for exceptionally vulnerable girl
53 HSE and CFA discuss how to respond to needs of non-verbal girl in care soon to turn 18

Legal Matters

54 High Court delays publication of its judgment finding HSE failed to uphold the rights of a child in care with disabilities
55 District Court grants application from maternal relative to be joined to proceedings in domestic homicide case
56 High Court considers judicial review of decision of Circuit Court to appoint GAL
57 Permission granted for McKenzie Friend to attend court with mother
58 Social worker criticised by court for failure to meet statutory requirement for child in care


59 Ten young people before Wards List in High Court

Case Reports 2021 Volume 2


Unaccompanied minors

  1. Full care order for boy who arrived at Irish port in back of lorry
  2. One year care order for girl who arrived alone at Irish airport
  3. Care order for very young baby who came into the country without parents
  4. Interim care order for unaccompanied minor who fled from the Taliban
  5. Judge speaks to unaccompanied minor, grants care order
  6. Full care order for unaccompanied minor

Mental health issues

  1. Judges said “disgraceful” that no CAMHS assessment or placement for teen whose situation GAL said was “as bad as it gets”
  2. Care order granted for girl who had made “remarkable progress” despite “extraordinarily difficult” childhood
  3. Judge extends order for child detained in a specialist mental health centre for her own safety
  4. Order extended for child detained in specialist mental health unit due to serious self-harming behaviours
  5. Judge directs immediate assessment for deeply troubled child not permitted onto CAMHS waiting list
  6. Manager of HSE disability service summonsed to court

High Court cases

  1. High Court hears of problems of drug use by children in special care
  2. High Court hears of many issues with availability of onward placements

Child protection

  1. Interim care order extended for pregnant girl
  2. Judge directs neuro-feedback therapy for three siblings in care
  3. Judge directs CFA to accelerate refuse collection from home of vulnerable child
  4. Judge met with three young children prior to granting full care orders
  5. Interim care orders for children whose parents had criminal history
  6. Full care order for infant affected by drug use in pregnancy
  7. Interim care order for new-born amid drug and violence concerns
  8. Supervision order refused
  9. Interim care order for young child whose immigration status uncertain
  10. Judge permits GAL to seek subpoenas for foster care committee
  11. Judge asked to maintain oversight of a young person being adopted
  12. Interim care orders made for six children on consent, supervision order for seventh, amid concerns for children’s safety
  13. Interim care order where physical and sexual abuse alleged
  14. Interim care order extended as reunification planned
  15. Interim care orders extended for five abused and neglected children, where parents convicted of assault on one
  16. Interim care order extended for child who ran away from home and refused to return

Special Report

  1. Snapshot of District Court Cases Listed between October and December 2021 in the Dublin Metropolitan District


Case Reports 2021 Volume 1


  1. No special residential placement available for very young child considered a danger to mother and siblings
  2. In-patient psychiatric bed sought for boy with “significant and immediate” mental health issues; remains at home with supports
  3. Application to detain child under Mental Health Act withdrawn
  4. Emergency care order following mother’s mental health relapse
  5. Interim care orders extended amid concerns for mother’s mental health
  6. Interim care order for four young children amid fears of mother’s partner
  7. 12-day interim care order granted amid serious domestic violence concerns, then replaced by supervision order
  8. Extension of interim care order where domestic violence a live issue
  9. Interim care order granted amid domestic violence and drug concerns
  10. Full care order amid concerns about ongoing domestic violence
  11. Interim care and supervision orders granted, history of domestic violence and substance abuse
  12. Search continues for unaccompanied minor missing in care
  13. Care orders for unaccompanied minors with no identifying documentation
  14. Supervision orders for two non-national children where both parents had been hospitalised
  15. Interim care order extended for unaccompanied child seeking aftercare
  16. Interim care order extended for unaccompanied minor
  17. Interim care order extended for girl who travelled alone to state
  18. Court declares UK to be children’s habitual residence, makes orders under Hague Convention
  19. Interim care order refused, supervision order made, where father’s previous sex abuse convictions revealed
  20. Advocate to be appointed for father amid historic sex abuse allegations
  21. District Court convicts woman for publishing material identifying a child in care
  22. Court directs CFA to notify HIQA of failure of private residential unit to inform agency of child’s suicidal ideation
  23. Blanket ban on access to young baby during lockdown questioned
  24. Supervision order discharged following reunification of mother and baby
  25. Aftercare review reports very positive outcome for boy 11 years in care
  26. Boy who left relative foster care seeks to speak to judge
  27. Infant in CFA care sustains an unexplained leg fracture
  28. Case review hears of placement breakdowns
  29. Interim care order granted amid allegations of physical and emotional abuse
  30. Interim care order granted; drugs misuse and sexual abuse alleged
  31. Care orders for two children due to mother’s addiction and lack of engagement with services
  32. Interim care orders for three young boys, mother fails to attend hearing
  33. Full care order for toddler whose parents homeless and suffered addiction
  34. Interim care order extended for child who does not want contact with mother
  35. Interim care orders extended because of drug use
  36. Relative foster carers oppose discharge of care order for twins where alternative of guardianship suggested
  37. Orders for baptism made for two pre-school children
  38. Interim care order following allegations of neglect and substance abuse
  39. Overnight visits to mother directed following care order review
  40. Interim care order for baby in hospital since birth
  41. Care order and interim care orders extended where emotional abuse alleged
  42. Interim care order granted for brothers in voluntary care since 2011
  43. Interim care extended for two young children, access reduced
  44. Interim care order extended following placement breakdown due to CFA errors
  45. Interim care order extended where residential placement sought
  46. Interim care order extended following child abuse allegations
  47. Voluntary care arrangement replaces interim care order application
  48. Three-year care order for young child granted in rural town
  49. Supervision order granted, another reviewed
  50. Interim care orders extended amid concerns about child’s safety in care
  51. Interim care orders extended in provincial towns
  52. Supervision order reviewed where children not attending school
  53. Hearing adjourned to allow mother rehabilitate from addiction

Case Reports 2020 Volume 2


  1. District Court refuses to order face-to-face access following its suspension during Level 5 Covid restrictions
  2. Interim care order for child admitted to intensive care with severe infection
  3. Interim care orders for two children following hospitalisation of one for headlice infestation
  4. Parents concerned at reduction of access due to Covid-19
  5. In “disturbing” case, High Court refuses wardship for young person leaving secure care
  6. Wardship application for young woman who “fell between child care and mental health regimes”
  7. Full care order for child leaving secure care
  8. Mother asks court to ensure child gets appropriate accommodation on release from prison
  9. Interim care order extended for child removed from care in Northern Ireland
  10. Full care order for young child of UK nationals
  11. Case of baby transferred back to Northern Ireland
  12. Interim care order for unaccompanied minor extended in virtual hearing
  13. Six-month extension of interim care order for migrant teenager abandoned by uncle
  14. Care order for former unaccompanied minor
  15. Interim care order extended amid concerns about attempts to remove Roma children from placement
  16. Interim care orders for Traveller children extended
  17. Care orders for Traveller children of parents who had been in care
  18. Full care order granted for baby whose mother unable to consent due to mental health difficulties
  19. Emergency care order where mother detained under Mental Health Act
  20. Care order for baby born on the street
  21. Care orders extended for three young children – judge impressed by “huge progress” made by mother
  22. Six-month care order granted for very young baby in care since birth, mother had intellectual difficulties
  23. Full care order for young child with special needs, mother has a mild intellectual disability
  24. Advocate required for vulnerable mother
  25. Judge stresses importance of disability supports for mother
  26. Full care orders for three children on grounds of sex abuse, neglect
  27. Emergency care orders when young child left at home alone
  28. Interim care orders made amid allegations of neglect and alcohol abuse
  29. Full care order to age 18 for teenage boy who “just wanted to be put first” by parents
  30. Care order granted because of alcohol, drugs and domestic violence
  31. Care orders for two children, mother homeless with addiction issues
  32. Care order till 18 for children whose parents have addiction problems
  33. Interim care order for four children amid domestic violence allegations
  34. One-year care order granted for young child suffering emotional abuse and neglect
  35. Three-month supervision order for three children who suffered serious neglect
  36. Application for care order adjourned, insufficient proof of neglect to reach the required threshold
  37. Care order for baby whose mother left country
  38. Full care order made for child to stay with older siblings in stepfather’s care
  39. Eight foster placements and no social worker allocated
  40. Care order discharged to facilitate family reunification
  41. Full care order granted for a pre-school age child in foster care since a baby
  42. One-year care orders for two young children, mother not to attend at their school
  43. Consensus reached on a venue for mother’s access visits with three children
  44. Court grants 12-month care order for child, orders home tuition as soon as possible
  45. Care review finds two siblings in different placements have complex individual needs
  46. Full care order for 12 months following unexplained non-accidental injury
  47. District Court approves aftercare plan
  48. Costs of private solicitor denied

Case Reports 2020 Volume 1


  1. 25 matters listed before District Court on one day during Covid-19 Pandemic
  2. Interim care orders granted and extended, after-care examined, in uncontested cases heard under Covid 19 restrictions
  3. District Court extends interim care order for a young girl of primary school age, full hearing delayed by Covid-19
  4. Pandemic restrictions on access a concern after girl admitted to psychiatric unit under Mental Health Act
  5. Covid-19 causes problems for therapy and access as interim care orders extended
  6. Interim care order when mother’s alcohol abuse relapses due to Covid 19
  7. Care order review of child in care in UK heard remotely in Dublin District Court
  8. District Court makes order to detain self-harming child under Section 25 of Mental Health Act
  9. Interim care order granted amid mental health concerns for mother
  10. Interim care order extended where mother has mental health issues, father deceased
  11. Interim care order extended where drug abuse and mental health concerns
  12. Judge orders production of assessment and therapy reports
  13. In camera rule lifted so that reports can be sent to child’s psychiatrist
  14. Care Order and guardianship granted for toddler whose mother mentally ill
  15. Interim care order where mother detained in psychiatric hospital
  16. Interim care order for teenager who refused to return home due to alleged abuse linked to culture at home
  17. Full care order for child who travelled to Ireland alone seeking asylum
  18. Interim Care Order granted for six children living without food or electricity
  19. Full care order for girl who had 13 admissions to voluntary care – judge “very, very cross” about case
  20. Care orders sought for three youngest children in large family on grounds sex abuse, neglect
  21. Consideration of separation of siblings in care so one can be reunified with father
  22. District Court judge meets child not attending school
  23. High Court gives CFA leave to challenge District Court decision on jurisdiction where baby’s parents moved from Northern Ireland
  24. Full care order for baby amid alcohol and domestic violence concerns
  25. Interim care order extended where children absconding to parents
  26. Interim care orders granted for three young children where one had unexplained injuries
  27. Judge dissatisfied at long delays in vital assessments for pre-school child
  28. Full care orders until 18 years made for five children due to serious sexual abuse, physical abuse and neglect
  29. Six-month care orders granted due to potential threat of domestic violence
  30. Six-month supervision order granted where poor school attendance
  31. Teenage girl in care sent home to mother when care placement broke down
  32. Full care order made for pre-school child in care since four months old
  33. Judge criticises lack of fostering care review for eight years, as special care application considered
  34. Placement breaks down amid allegations of physical abuse by foster parent
  35. Interim care order for boys whose grandparents unable to continue care due to threats
  36. Interim care order granted where physical abuse by partner alleged by child
  37. Judge order release of CFA documents to Garda Siochana to aid prosecution
  38. Full care order until 18 for young children whose mother suffers homelessness and addiction
  39. Mother consents to care order for toddler
  40. Interim care order extended where parents suffering drug addiction and homelessness
  41. Four interim care orders in provincial town
  42. Interim care order extended as access reduced
  43. Consent to interim care order for one-week-old baby with drugs in system
  44. District Court extends care order until the age of 18 for child who witnessed domestic violence
  45. GAL concern that no application made in High Court Wardship list for vulnerable girl in care since 11
  46. District Court judge seeks social worker affidavit even when order consented to

Case Reports 2019 Volume 2


      High Court

  1. High Court oversight of children’s complex care needs
    Observations from the Child Care Law Reporting Project by Lisa Colfer and Carol Coulter
  2. High Court finds CFA failure to seek special care order was unlawful
  3. High Court asks CFA to sort out problems in opening beds in special care units
  4. Girl in secure care absconds by jumping from moving car
  5. Special care order for girl who had gone missing in care
  6. Child with addiction and cognitive issues returns to special care
  7. District court hears boy with extreme behavioural problems living in hostel
  8. Special care order for drug-taking homeless teenager
  9. High Court discharges ward of court from facility in UK, returns girl to parents’ care
  10. High Court rules young ward of court should remain in hospital in UK
  11. High Court amends order for ward of court allowing girl remain at home, judge highlights need for psychological supports
  12. High Court continues detention of a young ward of court in UK hospital
  13. High Court orders inquiry into mental capacity of girl in special care soon to be an adultDistrict Court
  14. District Court grants care order for young boy, pending adoption, extends interim care order for older brother in secure care
  15. Full Care Order granted for child in secure care
  16. Judgment made in long-running case: Care orders granted until 2022 after 100 days of hearing, longer orders refused 
  17. Full care orders for two children following allegations of neglect, sexual abuse and domestic violence
  18. Full care order for child where concerns mother being forced into marriage
  19. Interim care orders extended amid allegations against father
  20. Interim care order extended for African children
  21. Uncertainty for immigrant child about to age out of care
  22. Interim care order for suspected victim of trafficking
  23. Disclosures of physical abuse and sexualised behaviour following emergency admission to foster care with suspicious burns
  24. District court grants interim care order for five children following unexplained severe injuries
  25. Court hears of social workers’ efforts to bridge cultural gaps
  26. Full care order for baby whose mother left state
  27. Judge grants care orders, deplores four years’ delay in bringing case and calls for full case management in all child care cases
  28. Reunification of mother and children postponed for 15 months
  29. Full care orders granted on consent, GAL refused hearing of further evidence
  30. Father’s application to discharge interim care order granted
  31. Supervision order for children of immigrants
  32. Interim care order for child with educational needs in seven placements in five months
  33. Full care order granted on consent for troubled teenager
  34. Interim care order for children whose brother had non-accidental injury
  35. Care order for teenager discharged on application of CFA
  36. Full care order after three-day hearing
  37. Short term care order extended for two months for work with GAL
  38. GAL considers a post-adoption after-care allowance needed
  39. Barring order against mother as interim care order extended
  40. Full care order for child in care on short and interim orders for seven years
  41. District Court directs HSE to prepare a discharge plan for girl detained under Mental Health Act
  42. Extension of supervision orders for children affected by domestic violence
  43. Full care orders for four children with poor school attendance
  44. Interim care orders extended where shortage of foster parents highlighted
  45. Mother seeks to discharge care order
  46. Care order hearing adjourned for mediation, mother with intellectual difficulties has GAL
  47. Interim care orders extended in four cases in provincial town
  48. Child and mother reunited after mother’s alcohol treatment
  49. Order extended for baby of mother who had been in care
  50. Four interim care orders in provincial town amid concerns about sexualised behaviour, drug and alcohol abuse and mental health
  51. Full care order for baby in voluntary care since birth
  52. District Court appoints guardian ad litem in voluntary care arrangement
  53. Full care order granted for teenage boy due to mother’s neglect
  54. Review of eight-year-old care orders states access to be at child’s discretion
  55. Case adjourned for mother to seek legal advice where child being adopted

Case Reports 2019 Volume 1


  1. Wardship to allow teenager travel to a specialised therapeutic centre in UK
  2. Review of situation of teenager detained in UK under wardship
  3. Judge: “Where does the care system begin or end and where does the criminal justice system begin or end, perhaps they don’t.”
  4. High Court rules District Court has power to make orders on welfare of child in care
  5. Boy with severe ADHD and substance abuse taken into secure care
  6. Secure care order renewed for teenage girl at risk of sexual exploitation
  7. Child joined as a party to High Court proceedings
  8. Child granted right as a party in High Court proceedings loses appeal to Court of Appeal against special care order
  9. Girl’s inpatient care extended for six weeks under Mental Health Act
  10. Child admitted to child and adolescent mental health unit
  11. Teenager placed in temporary residential placement while on waiting list for psychiatric assessment
  12. Delay in child’s medical assessment could have serious consequences
  13. Section 47 application for a child of Catholic parents to attend Church of Ireland primary school
  14. Interim care order granted following disclosures of physical abuse and sexualised behaviour
  15. Interim care order extended for infant who had serious injuries
  16. Brexit a concern as court discusses case of child in UK under an Irish care order
  17. District Court authorises the CFA to seek transfer of care proceedings to UK where homeless parents struggling in Ireland.
  18. Interim care order granted for toddler whose father lacked stable accommodation, mother addicted to alcohol
  19. GAL appointed for 16-year-old mother with a disability whose baby in interim care
  20. Interim care order extended where mother suffering from mental illness
  21. Supervision order discharged despite GAL’s concerns about ongoing support for father caring for vulnerable child
  22. Family welfare conference need not take place before an interim care order application, proportionality also an issue
  23. Interim care order granted for boys who alleged physical abuse, application later withdrawn
  24. Consent to two-year care order following death of mother
  25. Three-week-old baby returned to UK social services
  26. Father granted permission to reside in the State as the parent of three Irish citizen children in care, CFA considers reunification
  27. Court orders independent report on reunification plan for young girl in an undeveloped country
  28. Evidence continues in long-running case in rural town
  29. Interim care order extended amid fears mother facing forced marriage
  30. Access suspended following concerning disclosures from children
  31. Interim care order extended where concerns about mother’s mental health and alcohol abuse
  32. GAL seeks special care for child who had 35 foster placements
  33. Interim care order extended for child in residential unit amid concerns she may be pregnant
  34. Care orders extended where parent had history of drug use and criminality
  35. Interim care orders for five children where father under investigation
  36. Consent to care order where mother ill, father in custody
  37. Interim care order extended where mother deceased, father in prison
  38. Review of care order where the mother’s new partner, who had never met her children, was contacting the CFA
  39. Breakdown of placement where outsourced care service had money issues
  40. Interim care order granted for teenage girl
  41. Mother consents to interim care and supervision orders amid concerns of toddlers’ vulnerability to sexual abuse
  42. Extension of ICO on an infant while medical records sought
  43. Six-month supervision order while parents assessed, father had child sex conviction
  44. Interim care orders extended to allow progress with parents and children
  45. Twins separated after breakdown of placements
  46. Judge refuses full care order while parents seek representation
  47. Interim care order extended for boy returned to Ireland

Case Reports 2018 Volume 2


  1. Emergency change of foster placement in light of non-accidental injury and suspected sexual abuse
  2. High Court quashes emergency care order for newborn removed at birth as disproportionate
  3. Girl in special care made a Ward of Court to allow transfer to UK
  4. Seven cases feature in High Court Minors’ List
  5. Court of Appeal upholds High Court refusal to release child from CFA
  6. Consent for extension of interim care order of infant where mother homeless
  7. Interim care order extended though homeless mother uncontactable
  8. Care order adjourned to allow father to seek legal representation and move to Ireland permanently, mother homeless
  9. Care order for toddler amid concerns about alcohol addiction and homelessness
  10. Interim care orders granted as reunification with homeless mother explored
  11. Interim care order extended where mother had been made homeless
  12. Interim care order for child where concerns about mother’s forced marriage
  13. Interim care order extended for a child suspected of being trafficked
  14. Psychological evidence given in long-running case
  15. Foster carer from travelling community sought
  16. Drugs, alcohol and physical abuse feature in cases in rural town
  17. Judge describes case as “perfect storm”
  18. Court considers case of Irish child in care in UK under Irish care order
  19. Interim care order extended for baby of mentally ill mother
  20. Full care order hearing rescheduled due to delay with assessment
  21. Interim care order extended as parents wait for addiction treatment
  22. Access with father adjourned for forensic risk assessment after two-year delay
  23. Eight interim care orders extended on consent
  24. Reunification planned in review of short care order
  25. Care order extension until 18 refused, two-year order granted
  26. Judge refuses to send child to family abroad amid trafficking concerns
  27. Judge in rural town urges more access for vulnerable mother
  28. Interim care order extended after ten years in voluntary care
  29. Interim care order where teenager missing school
  30. Interim Care Order extended on consent for therapy sessions
  31. Judge refuses to grant interim care order
  32. Judge seeks appointment of GAL
  33. Interim care orders extended for three young children
  34. Supervision order application adjourned for legal representation
  35. Interim care order for infant granted shortly after birth extended
  36. Care order reviews among cases heard in provincial city
  37. Court refuses to discharge care order
  38. Interim Care Order among 22 child care cases heard

Case Reports 2018 Volume 1


  1. “Groundhog day” as repeated High Court hearings fail to result in suitable placement for girl leaving secure care abroad
  2. CFA re-enters case following placement breakdown
  3. Five placement moves in 13 days for nine-year-old boy
  4. Care Order for young teenager with behavioural difficulties
  5. Teenager in secure care for six years needs to return to Ireland
  6. CCLRP seeks High Court permission to continue reporting secure care cases
  7. High Court asked to state case on Section 47 powers in relation to a mother with an intellectual disability
  8. Judgment awaited three months after care order hearing concludes
  9. Care Order proceedings resume in rural town
  10. Care order heard over four days in rural town, EU jurisdiction raised
  11. District Court decides infant brought to Ireland from UK is UK resident
  12. Plans for the reunification of 18-month old baby with teenage mother
  13. Reunification planned with mother recovering from heroin addiction
  14. Success story for child in care for three years
  15. Problem with service of documents on mother in UK
  16. Need to formalise situation of girl in voluntary care for almost eight years
  17. Views of child sought in dispute over access
  18. Mother opposes extension of care order for boy in private unit
  19. Court adjourns care review of a nine-year-old boy in residential care
  20. Supervision order for 16-year-old boy moved to care of grandparents
  21. Care order application adjourned to address citizenship concerns
  22. CFA must exercise child’s “right to be forgotten”
  23. Timely assessments and access dominate child care day in District Court
  24. Application to vary care order adjourned to different court jurisdiction
  25. Concerns about paternity as interim care order extended
  26. Three interim care orders extended in rural town
  27. Interim care order for child whose mother deceased
  28. Drug issues and parents in prison concern District Court in rural town
  29. Access to young child suspended temporarily by District Court
  30. Judgment delivered, care order granted for “traumatised child”

Case Reports 2017 Volume 2


  1. After hearings over 15 months CFA withdraws Care Order proceedings for a second time, children return home under Signs of Safety model
  2. Nearly two years after case started, court sees video of child describing abuse
  3. Children in relative’s care need rehousing because of threats
  4. Allegations of sexual assault at the heart of care order hearing for three children
  5. High Court to consider case stated by District Court on obligations of State to mother with intellectual disability
  6. Care Order extended in long-running case where father seeks reunification
  7. Emergency Care Orders for two children due to mother’s addiction and homelessness
  8. Interim Care Order extended while post-mortem results awaited
  9. Suicidal teenage girl transferred to specialist unit abroad
  10. “Clearly it’s a success story” – High Court judge
  11. High Court concerned about Gardai failing to execute secure care order for distressed and violent young girl
  12. No appropriate unit found for teenage “too dangerous” for secure care
  13. High Court judge refuses application to move teenager from secure unit
  14. No appropriate placement for sexually exploited teenager following months of High Court hearings.
  15. No After-Care Plan for older teenager with mental health needs


Case Reports 2017 Volume 1


  1. Circuit court refused appeal of District Court Care Orders for five children
  2. Full Care Order for sexually abused child after 14-day hearing
  3. High Court hears girl detained on “unethical” basis in UK
  4. Child “votes with feet” to return home from step-down placement
  5. Girl discharged home from secure unit attempts suicide
  6. Violent and suicidal boy making progress in therapeutic unit abroad
  7. High Court hears disturbed unaccompanied minor in immigration system for 12 years
  8. Care Proceedings resume after year’s adjournment
  9. Care Orders for five children where both parents cognitively impaired
  10. CFA obtains Care Order for unaccompanied minor
  11. Care Order for 12 months for children whose sibling in long term care
  12. Order detaining pregnant girl seeking abortion discharged
  13. Three Dublin cases focus on aftercare, lack of placements and reunification
  14. Foster carers seek enhanced rights for child in their care
  15. Interim Care Orders extended for three children due to sex abuse allegations
  16. Extension of Interim Care Order on consent
  17. GAL brings concerns to court after order made
  18. Mother disengages from access “finding it too hard”
  19. 17-year-old leaves placement and returns to mother
  20. Interim Care Order extended for young girl
  21. Father seeks increased access to daughter amid delays in CFA supports
  22. Mother trying to build relationship with children

Case Reports 2016 Volume 2


  1. Child and Family Agency withdraws Care Order application after 33 days
  2. Full Care Order granted after expiry of 14-month order due to drug addiction
  3. Emergency Care Order for baby with non-accidental injury
  4. Supervision Order refused for child born in Ireland to UK couple
  5. High Court challenge to legal representation for GALs fails
  6. Judge asks whether District Court systems can deal with long complex cases, following 68 days of hearings
  7. Supervision Order for child placed in care of father; dispute over whether custody or care issue should be decided first
  8. High Court quashes refusal to direct CFA to pay for orthodontic treatment
  9. Care Order for child of mother with disability
  10. Interim Care Order extended with view to return of three-year-old boy
  11. Medical tests sought for Asian asylum seeker
  12. Emergency Care Order for Children Travelling without a Verified Guardian
  13. Parental access visits denied amid allegations of sexual abuse
  14. Four child care cases among 29 cases in provincial district court
  15. Interim Care Order extended amid neglect allegations
  16. Full Care Order until 18 granted for child of homeless mother; judge challenges father’s refusal of responsibility
  17. Review of case of teenage girls needing psychiatric care
  18. Girl remains in care amid delays towards reunification
  19. Children “not dolls to be thrown around” by the CFA: Mother
  20. Full care order for sexually abused child after 14 day hearing

Case Reports 2016 Volume 1


  1. Children return home following withdrawal of Care Order applications by CFA after 29 days of hearing
  2. Care Order applications for four children adjourned pending assessments
  3. Costs based on District Court rules awarded against CCLRP in documents application; Judge regrets no state funds available for such applications
  4. High Court conducts inquiry into provision of psychiatric services in secure care unit
  5. Protocol on special care processes approved in High Court
  6. Care Orders granted for five children
  7. Full Care Orders granted for teenage girls
  8. Full Care Order for young child of drug users
  9. Care Orders for four Roma children
  10. Interim Care Orders extended for six children
  11. Interim Care Order for child whose mother in custody
  12. Court rules children should not be asked to give evidence
  13. Emergency Care Order for children whose mother detained under Mental Health Act
  14. Mother consents to Interim Care Order while she obtains support
  15. Interim Care Order extended for child found alone at Dublin airport
  16. Care Order Sought for Eleven Children
  17. Child absconds from residential unit and goes home
  18. Four Child Care Cases Heard Among 37 Family Law Cases
  19. CCLRP exempted from ruling prohibition reporting on case

Case Reports 2015 Volume 4


  1. No facility in Ireland for teenager detained in UK
  2. Two children returned to secure care following discharge
  3. High Court judge refuses to place child in secure care unit pending inquiry into psychiatric services
  4. Interim Care Order for girl whose parents made a stranger her guardian
  5. Full Care Orders for young Roma children
  6. Supervision Order adjourned while High Court hears challenge
  7. “State has fallen down in its obligations” to mother seeking reunification – Judge
  8. Interim Care Order extended after chronic school absenteeism
  9. Emergency Care Order for asylum seeker’s children
  10. Access disputed while Care Order extended
  11. Emergency Care Order granted after three days’ hearing
  12. Interim Care Order where mother had low cognitive ability
  13. Case adjourned when mother opts for voluntary care
  14. Care Order for infant of addicted mother

Case Reports 2015 Volume 3


  1. Care Order for girl who worries about young brother
  2. Full Care Order for addict’s child refused, shorter order granted instead
  3. CFA agrees young woman in care may move to accommodation with baby
  4. Interim Care Order extended for boy who alleged assault by father
  5. CFA to explore children’s religious education with local Muslim community
  6. Judge refuses to extend Interim Care Order
  7. Application for access adjourned following threats to estranged wife
  8. Social work reports are not “relevant court documents”
  9. Four Care Orders after parents concede case “unassailable”
  10. Interim Care Order for child with no legal guardian and no home
  11. One year Care Order to allow mother to stabilise
  12. Care Order granted on consent for six weeks
  13. Supervision Order application adjourned for legal representation
  14. Care Order refused, Supervision Order granted for injured child
  15. Children to return home after expiry of Care Order
  16. Care Order for six months where boy not leaving his room
  17. Full Care Orders for seven children following lengthy hearing
  18. Interim Care Order arising from serious neglect
  19. Supervision Order renewed for six weeks
  20. Judge criticises CFA after child abused in care
  21. Interim Care Order for “Jane Doe”
  22. “He wished his mother was dead and the problem resolved once and for all.”
  23. Care Order refused for child missing in care
  24. Application for access by grandmother refused
  25. Care Order until 18 for boy in care since birth
  26. Assessments for boy in care confused about gender
  27. Reunification possible if drug use addressed
  28. Supervision Order granted, though grounds existed for Interim Care Order
  29. Review of Care Orders for children with attachment issues
  30. Teenager arrested while awaiting secure care placement
  31. Emergency Care Order after child found with heroin-using parents
  32. Care Order discharged for teenager who absconded
  33. Interim Care Order application converted to full Care Order
  34. Teenager complains about foster care
  35. Interim Care Order where serious neglect alleged
  36. Court refuses CFA application to move child to relative placement
  37. Judge requires risk assessments before discharging orders

Case Reports 2015 Volume 2


  1. “It was sore when she hit me”
  2. Mother with mental age of 8 sees child go into care
  3. Care Order for child whose mother suffered mental health problems
  4. Care Order granted for one year where mother cognitively impaired
  5. Court rules parents should have advocates in continuing case
  6. Care order for child whose siblings in care
  7. Care Order for Muslim teenager whose parents left Ireland
  8. Circuit Court discharges Care Order on appeal
  9. Three applications withdrawn by CFA
  10. Supervision Order for child in in cold and dirty conditions
  11. Care Orders for children in and out of care for three years
  12. Aftercare review for child with fragile mental health
  13. Emergency Care Order refused for child at moderate risk of suicide
  14. Putative father asked to leave court pending DNA test
  15. Child in care goes missing following family funeral
  16. Care Order granted for anxious and fearful child
  17. Allegations against father prompt Interim Care Order application
  18. Care Order refused, sought because of 23-year-old child abuse conviction
  19. Father’s overnight access opposed by Child and Family Agency
  20. Drug addiction results in third baby being taken into care
  21. Court refused substituted service by text
  22. Full Care Order granted for five-year-old in care since birth
  23. Access increased for mother recovering from alcoholism
  24. Judge frustrated at assessment delays
  25. Boy needs counselling following death of friend
  26. Interim Care Order sought for seriously ill children moving between countries
  27. Interim Care Order extended for drunk and disorderly teenager
  28. Application by parents to discharge or vary Care Order refused
  29. Review of Care Order where child displaying anxiety after access
  30. Care Order for abandoned child with severe disabilities

Case Reports 2015 Volume 1


  1. Bed in secure care created for at-risk minor following several hearings
  2. No secure place for Boys Town teenager returned to Ireland
  3. Three teenagers attempted self-harm while under review in High Court
  4. High Court hears boy cannot return to Ireland because of lack of services
  5. Care Order until 18 for child whose father offered to abuse her online
  6. High Court rules infant must return to parents’ jurisdiction for care proceedings
  7. High Court accepts transfer of infant to Ireland
  8. Interim Care Order renewed pending High Court application
  9. Supervision Order for baby discharged after a year
  10. Social worker can apply for naturalisation for non-national girl
  11. Interim Care Order for baby found at night in car
  12. Full Care Orders for three children following shorter orders
  13. Fears for child leaving care
  14. Care Order granted for child of drug addicts
  15. Care order for mother with mental age of a ten year old
  16. Care Orders for children whose parents could not be located
  17. Written judgement outlines proportionate basis for orders
  18. Increased access for grandmother
  19. Judge to speak to girl who kept absconding from care
  20. Care Orders granted for children in relatives’ care
  21. Supervision Order granted for two children amid concerns about school
  22. Serious concern for absconding teenager whose mother died
  23. Access reduced for mother of “very troubled little boy”
  24. Interim Care Order to permit psychiatric assessment in another jurisdiction
  25. Reasons for Care Orders for African children given after 40-day hearing
  26. Orders granted for teenage African girl
  27. Foster parents denied funding for treatment
  28. Care extended for baby of former child in care
  29. Solicitors for young people in care present their cases
  30. Pre-Christmas applications in District Court list

Case Reports 2014 Volume 1


  1. Interim Care Order for baby refused when Emergency Care Order expired
  2. Full Care Order granted for infant after 18 months of hearings
  3. No Secure Care bed for troubled boy
  4. Funding needed to help with access for severely disabled child
  5. Children return to care for second time
  6. Parents collapse during hearing
  7. Robust plan of supports enables reunification
  8. Care Order refused following High Court ruling on Supervision Order
  9. “Shared care arrangement” to be examined
  10. Judge welcomes “good news story”
  11. Care Order for child whose father awaiting extradition
  12. Interim Care Order extended for African children
  13. Emergency Care Order for baby, but HSE told to avoid Interim Care Order
  14. Care Order refused for young baby, Supervision Order granted instead
  15. Care Order for four children extended for parenting assessment
  16. Clarification sought on status of Irish orders in another jurisdiction
  17. Sixty family law cases on list in rural town
  18. Full Care Order for emotionally abused girl
  19. Traveller identity of young children to be addressed
  20. Full care order till 18 for child whose mother has learning disability
  21. Care order granted for girl where mother has alcohol and drug problems
  22. Interim Care Order refused following expiry of ECO
  23. Care order for baby granted whose mother in unsafe family situation
  24. Reunification plan agreed following Interim Care Order
  25. GAL re-appointed to advise on access
  26. One child may return home while other remains in care
  27. Parents fail in application for access following abuse allegations

Case Reports 2014 Volume 2


  1. Application adjourned for investigation into “very distressing” behaviours
  2. Care Orders for a year for eight children where sexual abuse alleged
  3. Care Order sought after father offered on-line to abuse his child
  4. Interim Care Orders granted for four children after six months of hearings
  5. Judge directs reports to be provided 48 hours in advance of hearing as Interim Care Order for new-born infant renewed
  6. Care Order granted for girl raped by father over many years
  7. Variety of orders granted in Child Care List in District Court
  8. Reviews of Care Orders as children approach 18
  9. Emergency Care Order for suicidal boy
  10. CFA urged to progress access for children in care until 18
  11. St Patrick’s Day access sought
  12. Application to discharge Care Order refused
  13. Interim Care Order granted where Traveller family harassed
  14. Secure care place sought for boy
  15. Differences in after-care reviews noted
  16. Mother consents to long-term Care Orders
  17. Withdrawal of Garda Emergency Care Order refused
  18. Interim Care Order for new-born baby extended
  19. Overnight access withdrawn as mother drinking
  20. Access sought following serious head injury to baby
  21. No time for long case as 79 applications listed for one day
  22. Emergency Care Order for teenager in care of brother

Case Reports 2014 Volume 3


Case Reports 2014 Volume 4


  1. Care Orders refused after children spend years in interim care
  2. Care Orders for children who escaped home
  3. Interim Care Order for 17-day-old baby
  4. Full Care Orders for severely neglected girls
  5. ECO for teenager who reports mother to Gardaí
  6. Cases adjourned when lawyers came off record
  7. Mother told children can return if she deals with drug problem
  8. Care Order for boy accused of sex abuse and robbery
  9. Parents consent to full Care Order until 18 for boy where neither parent wanted responsibility
  10. Supervision Orders to ensure Traveller children attend school
  11. Seven-day Interim Care Order while awaiting legal representation
  12. Care Order granted for baby where mother unable to give instructions
  13. Funding to support travel to access discussed
  14. Supervision Order for baby whose siblings in care
  15. Interim Care Orders sought for young Roma mother and children
  16. Foster parents and child to come to High Court for discussion
  17. Air ambulance to take child with complex needs to specialist unit in UK
  18. Interim Care Order granted while reunification planned
  19. Children to move home in six weeks
  20. Care Order granted for a four year-old girl with developmental delay
  21. Judge urges social worker to accommodate challenges from mother
  22. Interim Care Order for African boy with complex needs
  23. Young people give evidence during reviews of Care Orders
  24. Supervision Order for boy who assaulted mother
  25. Judge appoints solicitor appointed for 16-year-old girl
  26. High Court hears Roma mother may not leave Ireland with her child

Case Reports 2013 Volume 1

Introduction to Case Histories

  1. Supervision Order continued for three months
  2. Family reunited as interim care order discharged
  3. Interim care order renewed for African boy
  4. Supervision order granted for young children
  5. Interim care order granted where mother abusing drugs
  6. Emergency Care Order for three very young children
  7. Interim Care Order refused
  8. 16-year old asks to go into care
  9. Mother distressed over lack of access
  10. Interim Care Order for Roma children
  11. Five placements in three years
  12. Supervision order extended for father’s access visits
  13. Medical tests ordered
  14. Full Care Order Granted
  15. Interim Care Order due to homelessness and addiction problems
  16. Full care orders for children in foster care since infancy
  17. Interim care orders for two young children
  18. Interim Care Order for boy seeking foster home
  19. Emergency care order for children in direct provision centre
  20. Care Order granted for a year
  21. Five supervision orders
  22. Judges insist on legal aid
  23. Unsupervised access to baby sought by parents
  24. Garda interviews with child sought
  25. Extension of order for girls threatened by father
  26. Judge criticises HSE management of case
  27. Judge cannot discuss care plan for 18-year-old

Case Reports 2013 Volume 2

Introduction to Case Histories

  1. High Court asks English courts to take over case
  2. English mother agrees to transfer of case to England
  3. Care orders for three children with special needs
  4. Care order for two young children where sex abuse alleged
  5. Full care orders for four children in rural town
  6. Couple directed to mediation as part of Supervision Order
  7. Child leaves residential centre for foster care
  8. Care Order for teenager discharged
  9. Care Order for child with non-accidental injury
  10. Care Order adjourned to get views of child through GAL
  11. Interim Care Order extended for four African children
  12. Overnight access denied to mother with history of drug abuse
  13. Court can lift in camera rule
  14. Care Order for abandoned African girl
  15. Supervised access for mother of 10-year-old
  16. Full Care order for girl whose mother is alcoholic
  17. Child remains in care despite mother’s objection
  18. Young girl to remain in care because of alcohol addiction and violence
  19. HSE must inform Minister of its failure to comply with regulations
  20. Trafficked girl taken into care
  21. Judge orders speech and language therapy “forthwith”
  22. Mother with mental health difficulties considers adoption
  23. Six-year-old remains in residential unit abroad
  24. Interim Care Order renewed for boy with psychological needs
  25. Supervision Orders for four children
  26. Care Order for 16-year-old adjourned for family therapy
  27. Two young children taken into care without opposition
  28. Full Care Order for African boy
  29. Drug addict’s newborn taken into care
  30. Full care order for abandoned African sisters
  31. Full Care Order granted and SNA ordered while mother undergoes psychotherapy
  32. Full Care Order for only five months while full care plan produced
  33. Two families seek to care for infant
  34. Care Orders for young children of drug user

Case Reports 2013 Volume 3

Introduction to Case Histories

  1. Emergency Care Order refused for African child
  2. Full Care Order for 14-year-old boy
  3. ECO for 8-year-old born and reared in direct provision centre
  4. Children of homeless drug user taken into care
  5. Care order for abused 15-year-old girl
  6. Care Order until 18 refused
  7. Legal Aid Board asked why no legal aid for prisoner father
  8. Consent to Care Order by mother with psychological problems
  9. Parental consent to sport lessons dispensed with
  10. Court lifts in camera rule
  11. ICO not renewed because girl not a minor
  12. Supreme Court upholds sending case to UK
  13. Mother given chance to address problems
  14. Short-term care ordered granted in provincial city
  15. Case adjourned to allow grandparents help with children
  16. Mother in direct provision opposes discharge of Emergency Care Order
  17. Care orders for three psychologically disturbed children
  18. Care Order for homeless and at-risk teenager
  19. Emergency Care Order granted for minor’s child
  20. “Their perception of Mum is fear” – GAL
  21. Interim Care Order following domestic violence
  22. Interim care order extended for young girl in fifth placement
  23. Emergency care order for children left with intoxicated grandmother
  24. Care order for girl whose mother unable to provide basic care
  25. Care Order for four children in care since birth
  26. Full care order for five young children deferred while parents attend course
  27. Emergency Care Order for young children left alone
  28. Supervision Order refused
  29. Care Order for daughter of girl formerly in care
  30. After-care plan for unaccompanied minor not adequate

Case Reports 2013 Volume 4

Introduction to Case Histories

  1. One year Care Order following serious non-accidental injury
  2. Interim Care Order for children beaten by parents
  3. Emergency Care Order for Roma child withdrawn after DNA test
  4. Judge refused to reduce mother’s access to baby
  5. GAL questions “exorcism” with disturbed girl in care
  6. Interim Care Order for girl emotionally abused by grandmother
  7. Children removed again from mother they feared
  8. Interim Care Order granted where child feared mother’s new partner
  9. Pattern of aggressive behaviour and neglect leads of Interim Care Orders
  10. Change of school approved by court
  11. Care Orders for five children granted
  12. Extension of Order for child whose allegations doubted
  13. Judge calls for law change to allow child in care stay at home